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  • #TeenHelp on irc.Dal.net
    Where teens can talk live to other teens about problems or issues they may have: anything from liking someone to homework ... whatever's on your mind.
  • About.com Teen Advice
    Find help through a chat room, email or useful articles.
  • Advice at DailyStory
    Handling it all, from getting coke out of carpet to the birds and the bees.
  • Brain*Storm
    A place where teenagers and young adults can find answers to the challenges and problems they face every day. From Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.
  • CenterWeb Christian Teen Advice
    Offers advice for teenagers given by teens from a Christian perspective. Write in with questions or read the articles on common issues online.
  • Coffeerooms Ask Ms X
    A friendly ear, and maybe some useful advice. Ask Ms X about whatever is on your mind. Discuss it with other teens.
  • Goin Thru
    For teens going through or having advice about internet relationships.
  • Kitana's Teen 2 Teen Advice
    Employing a large volunteer staff who are comitted to giving you advice when you need it most. Ask a question on the message boards, or if you need help fast stop by the chat room.
  • Living With Parents
    A site about being a teen, knowing yourself, and understanding your parents.
  • Nikki's Page: Advice and Chat 4 Teens
    A place where teens can go to get advice from a fellow teenager who has done it all and to chat with other teens
  • Reach for the Sky
    Not sure what the future has in store for you? The British TV company, Sky can help you see what you can be.
  • Teen Advice Center
    Here to give advice to any teen or young adult who asks for it. Find links and numbers for support groups, and read various articles and journals.
  • Teen Advice Network
    Includes advice from a team of teen advisors, as well as advice forums and chatrooms.
  • Teen Advice Online
    Providing support for teenage problems through a network of peers from around the globe. Contains an extensive archive of past problems solved.
  • Teen.com Advice
    When it comes to issues like dating, friends, family and school, Teen.com offers to help you make good decisions.
  • TeenOutReach Advice Section
    Post questions and get answers from other teens and moderators who have 'been there, done that'.
  • TeenPsych
    Psychology and advice for teens, by teens and professionals. Click on "hot links" at the bottom of the page to enter site.
  • TeenTalk
    Teens helping teens and parents with dating, depression, life, school, friends & family.
  • Tiffany's Advice
    A place where teens and young adults can get advice on sex, relationships, drugs and abuse.
  • Youth Line UK
    A place where young people can find someone willing to listen, online.
  • .com