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  • ASNS Publications
    The American Society for Nutritional Science has a nice page on all the major vitamins and minerals, their daily requirements, sources, and toxic doseages.
  • About.com's Nutrition Guide
    An online guide to nutrition information. Includes a vitamin and mineral index, news updates, free email newsletter, chat room, discussion forum and personal guide.
  • AlTherex & Company
    Formulating dietary supplements for better health.
  • An overview of the nutritional importance of vegetables.
    A discussion of the nutritional values of vegetables during human evolution and today; including the importance of tubers, roots, corms, rhizomes and bulbs during evolution. Extensive notes on wild African, Asian, and European edible plants.
  • Ask the Dietitian
    Information about many health and nutrition questions. Healthy weight and calories calculator online.
  • Aspartame
    Home for the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, a nonprofit for those affected by Multiple Sclerosis, providing newsletter, support services through traditional and alternative means
  • CNN's Health News: Diet & Fitness
    NEWS and helpful tips
  • Calcium Supplementation is done most effectively in liquid ionic form
    Calcium Supplementation done properly - FREE REPORT. Calcium supplements should be in a liquid ionic form for the best results. Calcium supplementation in ionic form greatly increases absorption.
  • California Avocado Commission
    Official site of the California Avocado Commission. Guacamole and other recipes, nutrition, games, grower information, and more Avocado information than you knew existed. Discover the Hass, Bacon, Fuerte, Gwen, Pinkerton, Reed and Zutano varieties.
  • California Strawberry Commission
    California Strawberry Commission is the official home of the California strawberry providing invaluable resources including recipes, desserts, nutritional information, consumer news, grower news, celebrity chef interviews, farm tours, contests, prizes, and trade information.
  • Cforyourself: Vitamin C for Optimum Health
    dedicated to "optimum nutrition and disease prevention and treatment by the supplementation of Vitamin C". The vitamin C site.
  • Conjugated linoleic acids
    A page at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where you can obtain an exhaustive bibliography of papers on this subject, and download a PDF format file on research summaries to 1998.
  • Copper to Cure Hemorrhoids and Slipped Discs.
    A detailed and heavily referenced opinion on copper nutrition and physiology as they pertain to hemorrhoids, slipped discs, aneurisms, emphysema, infection, arthritis, and maybe gray hair.
  • Council for Responsible Nutrition
    The association of leading dietary supplement companies, formed in order to communicate the vital role played by vitamins, minerals, micronutrients and other important substances.
  • Diet & Nutrition Resource Center
    Mayo Clinic Diet and Nutrition Center: Mayo Clinic Nutrition Experts offer Practical Advice, Creative Encouragement and Healthy Recipes to cut Fat, Cholesterol, Sodium and Calories and Improve your Diet. Includes Q&A section with Mayo dietitians. (Editor comment: enjoyable site; I found the quiz fun and informative)
  • Early Twenties
    A comprehensive approach to help benifit the lives of people in their early twenties.
  • Eat it Today @ Welltopia
    Daily food facts on a particular food item -food value, how to select it. (includes archives of past daily food facts)
  • Feast Facts
    Don't feel too guilty about plentiful portions: Many of the traditional Thanksgiving foods are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients.
  • Food Science Journals on the WWW
    science.komm's directory of links to food science journals
  • Food and Nutrition
    A fairly simple overview and definition of diet, nutrients, food pyramid, calories. A useful quick starting point on the subject.
  • Food, nutrition, exercise fact index
    450 articles, 63 medical abstracts-and growing! Very good information on 'diets' and their health effects, lots of good stuff about fats in the diet. A lot is vitamin and mineral supplement related, but the good bits are succulent.
  • Foods and Nutrition Solutions
    Information from the University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service. Useful noncommercial information on food buying, food preparation, food preservation, food safety, food storage, glossary, nutritive analysis, and substitutions.
  • For The Love of Healthy Eating
    A site organised by topic on healthy eating and linked through to other information providers on nutritional guidelines, vegetarianism, etc.
  • Genetically Engineered Food Safety Problems
    Published by Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology. Examines health claims and safety issues for genetically engineered foods.
  • GetVital.com
    Supplements for sale. Access to research, citations, and medical references to more than 150 diseases and ailments. Includes suggested product recommendations.
  • HealthAnswers.com Nutrition Center
    HealthAnswers.com's 'Nutrition Health Centre' has an alphabetical index of nutrition subjects from aflatoxin to zinc in the diet, calling good one page or less articles on the subject.
  • HealthQuest Nutritional Database for Health Professionals
    A nutritional database offering quality, researched nutrition information and patient education for health professionals, from Standard in Natural Solutions.
  • Healthy Kidz Co.
    A commercial site selling a childrens food pyrimad guide, but with a page of useful tips on helping kids select and enjoy healthy food.
  • Hydrogenated Oils-The Silent Killers
    A discussion of the place of hydrogenated Oils in the human diet. Numerous references to scientific studies; it is fair to say the author is not for them. Very interesting and provocative.
  • Hydrogenated Trans Fatty Acid Health or Scam
    Two simple and clearly written views on the issue on trans fatty acid. Links to the food industry rebuttal.
  • Information on Phytochemicals
    Information source devoted exclusively to Phytochemicals and their uses. Articles on their antioxidant properties and their use in treating chronic diseases and other conditions.
  • International Food Information Council Foundation (IFIC)
    The International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation site is an industry sponsored foundation that steers a middle road in the debates about nutrition. A useful and cautious perspective, and includes some very good information on diet.
  • Lactose Intolerance
    Simple and plain english page on lactose intolerance, how widespread, how marked, and management; including alternatives like yogurt and chocolate milk. Lots of links.
  • Legumes, grains and other seeds in human evolution.
    Legumes and seeds and their role in the human diet through human evolution. This page discusses the legumes, grain, and seed species in Africa and other parts of the world, and is particularly relevent to the legume/grain debate in reference to human biochemistry.
  • Lipid Clinic News, vol 14, no 1
    Offers nutrition news, research findings and low fat recipes for a healthier lifestyle.
  • Medicinal Food News
    A quarterly web magazine about food which promotes and improves health. Well written popular articles based on recent research discoveries about the nutritional benefits of foods or ways of eating.
  • New Century Nutrition
    A site with a newsletter on recent research findings on diet and (mainly) cancer, archived newsletters, and details of research into the Chinese diet; leans towards vegetarian dietary choice.
  • Nutrient Data Laboratory Food Composition Data
    How much vitamin C is in an orange? How much Potassium is there in stir fried Mung beans? This site has the answers to these questions and a lot more. Includes non-vegan foods as well.
  • Nutrion Overview - Lecithin
    One of the many healthful components of soybeans, lecithin and its primary component, choline, are believed to play essential roles in cardiovascular health,liver and cell function,fat transport, reproduction and child development, physical performance during endurance activities, cell-to-cell communications, possibly in memory.
  • Nutrition Links
    Links to over two hundred nutrition and medical web sites, organised by 13 categories, from the West Virginia Dietetic Association (of USA).
  • Nutrition Soundbites
    Look and feel good from the inside out! Let registered dietitian/nutritionist, Terrie MacLaren, help you sort out the latest facts on weight loss, food, and fitness. Don't let the food police spoil your next meal. Eating should be pleasureable! Get the straight facts and begin a healthy lifestyle today.
  • Nutrition Specialist Netscape
    Registered dietitian's services offering information on healthy eating; including low cholesterol, low sodium, lowfat, high/low fiber, gluten free, restaurant dining tips, grocery shopping tips, modifying recipes to make them healthier and personalized nutritional assessments.
  • Nutrition and evolution
    The concept of nutrition examined in an evolutionary context , and contrasted with the nutritional content of our industrial diet.
  • Nutrition for a Living Planet
    Comprehensive guide to food diet and health.
  • Nutrition from an evolutionary perspective
    Comparison of the hunter gatherer diet with the standard western diet; comparison of the paleolithic diet with the standard western diet; implications and discussion. A very good overview.
  • Nutrition remedies for allergies
    Allergies! Your food choices and certain nutrients can help alleviate allergies. What is an allergy? Foods commonly associated with specific allergies. Nutritional help for allergies.
  • Nutrition, Health & Heart Disease; Cause & Prevention
    Not-for-profit site about foods and supplements and how they prevent heart disease and promote general health. Tables, links, comments, nutrition, causes.
  • Nutrition: Arbor Nutrition Guide
    The world's largest catalogue of nutrition resources on the Internet-food science, clinical nutrition, ancient diets, functional foods and much more - an absolutely outstanding links page.
  • Nutrition: Medicine of the Future
    The medicine of the future will no longer be remedial, it will be preventive; not based on drugs but on the best diet for health. This site explores the issue: What is Optimum Nutrition?
  • Nutritional Supplements.com
    The internet's premier source for unbiased information about nutritional supplements. Our supplement reviews, questions, and comments come from consumers who have no vested interest in the supplement industry.
  • Nutritional value of Commercial Fruit
    Nutritient strengths, including phytochemicals, of common commercial fruits highlighted.
  • OurFood Database
    Information about general bacteriology, systematic bacteriology, quick and modern food analytical methods, physiology, yeasts and molds, contaminants, and other health related nutritional information.
  • Palate Works
    Questions and answers about nutrition labelling, the relationship of labelling, fat, and actual calorie content, myths exploded, and other useful nutrion label information, from a site providing commercial food analysis services.
  • Potassium in Foods
    Potassium in foods; a detailed opinion on the potassium content of foods.
  • Press Releases
    Press Release archive from the American Society of Nutritional Sciences. These canvas extremely important issues of average nutrient intake, adequacy or otherwise of the current recommended daily allowance, obesity, and similar issues.
  • Soy Info Online
    Information on soy, soy products, and legumes. Nutrient charts for common legumes, discussion of allergies, phytochemicals, protective effects. The site says it is not affiliated with the soy or bean industry.
  • Sports & Nutrition The Winning Connection
    Four topics discussing diet, keeping energy level, meal plan and fluids in the system.
  • Steve's World: Health Sites
    Links to Health Related Sites including disease, medicine, and health-related links.
  • Test your HEALTH TODAY!
    An interactive commercial website where you can 'test' your health via a lifestyle self survey form online for free,
  • The Council for Responsible Nutrition
    The Nutritional Supplement Industry makes its case for vitamin and mineral supplementation. Includes consumer FAQs, news releases, and good science based information on the importance of various minerals and vitamins in a degraded urban diet.
  • The Fox-BGH Cover-up Lawsuit
    In a lawsuit, the journalists say they were ultimately fired at FOX-owned WTVT Channel 13 in Tampa for refusing orders to broadcast false and slanted stories about BGH (or rBST). The dairy hormone is banned in all of Europe and other countries because of human health concerns.
  • The vitamin C content of fruit of the world.
    The vitamin C content of over 50 commercial and wild fruit is listed, both by serving and by 100 mg sample. Each fruit is ranked into exceptional, excellent, very good, good, or fairly good source of ascorbic acid.
  • Tufts University Nutrition Navigator
    Fastest, most reliable way to find online nutrition information. Experts at Tufts review and rank nutrition Websites. Search by keyword or browse by audience or topic category.
  • USDA AMS National Organic Program
    The public comment period for the National Organic Program Proposed rule began December 16, 1997 and officially closed on April 30, 1998.
  • USDA Nutrient Database
    how much Zinc did you get today? are you too high on saturated fat?
  • USDA Nutrient Values
    "A simple Web interface to the USDA Nutrient Database. Nutrient values are available for 100 gram portions as well as two common serving sizes.[of any food you care to check out. Almost] Percent RDA is given for males and females between the ages of 25 and 50. These figures are basedon average body weight of 79kg (174 lbs) for men and 63kg (138 lbs) for women."
  • Vitamin C
    The vitamin C Foundation is a non-profit corporation, which has on its site "any and all scientific research on vitamin C since the turn of the century". News, summaries, books, articles, links - this is the major internet resource on vitamin C.
  • iVillage.com's Better Health's Diet & Nutrition Center
    Get the latest dieting news & research, expert advice, interactive health assessment tools, scheduled chats, message boards and more.
  • .com