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Collects information on disabilities and disabilities related subjects and makes it available through the World Wide Web. Make available to persons with disabilities around the W W W and points beyond become more aware of the vast network of services and agencies that are available to them, their family, friends and service providers. 24 hour telephone hotline service to help counsel, refer and guide persons, children and their families and friends during and after any crisis or event. Experienced advocates for the disabled. Meets the informational needs of individuals with disabilities, their families, policy makers, service providers, advocates, and others in the area of managed care and long term supports and services. NICHCY is a national information center that provides information on disabilities and disability related issues. Children and youth, birth to age 22, are our special focus. Transport Using Rehabilitation Technologies Leads to Economic Efficiency. An EU project for better provision of transport information. Vision Awareness is a non-profit volunteer group promoting awareness and treatment of hidden vision disorders which can present as dyslexia, ADD and/or ADHD. To help women overcome social, financial, physical, or other kinds of barriers to health care services and information, the National Women's Health Information Center (NWHIC) created this web site - Women with DisAbilities. It puts a wealth of useful information together into one place for women with disabilities, caretakers, health professionals, and researchers. |