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  • ARGO the robotic car
    ARGO is a linux based robotic car capable of autonomous driving. During June 1998 it was tested in a 2000km trip along Italian highways.
  • Absolute Authority on Mobile Robotics
    A comprehensive collection of content, community, and tools available on the subject of Mobile Robotics.
  • Android World
    This site is devoted to androids - robots that look like humans. We also have robotics links, robot links, animatronics links, and research links.
  • Arrick Robotics - PC-Based Motion Control Products
    Arrick Robotics mobile robots, stepper motor systems, XY positioning tables, automation accessories, technical information
  • BattleBots
    The Ultimate competition in the field of extreme robotic sports.
  • California Cybernetics
    Products in the area of robot arm control, force sensing, autonomous robots. Research into robotic intelligence.
  • Center for Robotics and Manufacturing Systems
    Homepage of the Center for Robotics and Manufacturing Systems at the University of Kentucky.
  • Cerávolo Automações
    Engenharia de Controle e Automações: sobre o curso, onde estudar, projetos, pesquisas e trabalhos em engenharia. (mecânica, elétrica, eletrônica, robótica, computação, mecatrônica) (Spanish/Espagnol - I think)
  • Cybug-Space
    Educational products including digital logic trainers and insect-like robots.
  • Digital Modeling and Simulation of a Medical Analysis Robot
    This is a brief overview of my graduation thesis, involving the digital modeling and simulation of a robotic arm. During this work I have developed a part of the project of a Medical Analysis Manipulator, to use for the manipulation of test tubes in a working cell for hospital blood analysis.
  • Embedded Microcontrollers
    Manufacturer of embedded controller boards. Design and programming consultants
    Non-profit organization whose mission is to generate an interest in science and engineering among today's youth.
  • FirstBOT Home
    The simple mobile robot that most hobbyists can build in a weekend. Additional resources include links to user groups, publications, suppliers and other robotics topics.
  • Friendly Machines Ltd. domestic use robots
    Friendly Machines is the developer of ROBOMOW, the automatic lawnmower robot, and other domestic use robots. The site is packed with Flash animations, and is geared towards robots fans and the cutting edge technology lovers.
  • Gecko Systems
    Business and home automation with a programable, upgradable, expandable robot that interfaces with Windows 95, 98, and NT. GUI software included.
  • Georgia Tech MARS
    The Georgia Tech branch of MARS involves multi-level learning in hybrid deliberative/reactive mobile robot architectural software systems.
  • HHS/NVG US FIRST Alliance
    Hamtramck High School and New Venture Gear join forces for the national US FIRST robotics competition
  • J.Carlos Robotics Web Page
    Several links to other websites, and a few pics of the author's robot.
  • John's Robotics Page
  • Jones on Stepping Motors
    A tutorial on the use of computer controlled stepping motors
  • K-Team
    Manufacturer of education and research robots in Europe. Set of mobile robots products and a related know-how, with specific hardware or software.
    The Official LEGO MINDSTORMS Web Site has the latest official news and information on LEGO MINDSTORMS, a line of products that lets you build and program robots that do what you want.
  • Line follower robot with Neuron Chip
    Development of a line follower robot based on the Neuron chip microcontroller, including electrical schemes. - Spanish
  • Lynxmotion Robot Kits
    Introducing the Lynxmotion Series of Mobile Robot, Manipulator and Sensor Kits
  • MIT Leg Laboratory
    Information on a series of legged robots, including one-legged hoppers, bipedal runners, bipedal walkers, a quadruped, and two kangaroo-like robots.
  • Magna Associates
    Inexpensive solutions to creating a distributed intelligent bipolar stepper motion control system with few external components. Our products include motion control via a standard serial (RS232 or RS422/485) link.
  • Mekatronix, Inc.
  • Menelli Box PowerGlove Interface
  • Microchip Technology Inc.: Welcome to Planet Microchip
    Todo acerca de los famosos microcontroladores de Microchip.
  • Mobot Inc Home Page, Mobile Robots
    Mobot makes mobile robots for entertaining and educating visitors, including Sage the robot tour guide and bugbot, a microcamera robot for exploring miniature worlds. Mobot created VirtualVisit, linking streaming video from robot controlled cameras to your web site, and allowing virtual visitors to control streaming video cameras live and in real time.
  • Mondo-tronics' Robot Store
  • New Micros Inc
  • R/C Servo Motor Controllers / Robot Projects
    Positive Logic Engineering manufactures motion controllers for R/C type servo motors. The ASC16 controls speed, acceleration, and sychronising of 16 Axis simultaniously.
  • Reconn's World
    Robotics. Electronics. reconnsworld.com. This site has free complete robot plans with pictures, templates, step-by-step instructions, and more!
  • RoboCup Official Site
    A contest for robots that play soccer.
  • Robohoo!
    The World's Largest Index of Robotics Resources.
  • Robot Books.com
    Reviews of robotics books, plus robot kits, movies, and toy robots. Build robots for competitions, for industry, or just for fun! Learn about artificial intelligence, electronics, and mechanisms. Read about mobile robots, educational toys, walking robots, even robots that play soccer!
  • Robotics Education Consultants
    Integrate hands-on robotics activities into your math, science, technology, and/or computer science curriculm. Teach simulations, programming, and construction. Inservices, workshops, and summer camps...
  • Robotics FAQ Table of Contents
    Robotics Frequently Asked Questions List
  • Simpler Robotics
    Information and Parts for Robotics.
  • Sparc-E and robotic research at the Univesity of South Alabama
    The site is dedicated to small autonomous mobile robotics research and robotics use in the curriculum at the University of South Alabama
  • Spectrum Robotic Systems Limited
    Manufacturer of automated cutting systems utilising laser, waterjet, ultrasonic and knife cutting technology under computer control.
  • StepperControl.Com complete source for stepper motor and motion control
    StepperControl.com offers an array of standard products as well as custom services to meet your stepper motor controller needs.
  • Technocopia
    articles on the "hows" and "whys" of household automation including home theater, networking, smart toys, pets
  • Terrys' Robot & Electronics Link Page
    A difinitive list of links to Robot & Electronics related sites dealing with Neural Networks, sensors, 68HC11 & PIC micros
  • The Handy Board
    6811-based microcontroller system that lets you build mobile robots for educational, hobbyist, and industrial purposes. Used to run robot design courses and competitions at the university and high school level.
  • The Honda Humanoid Robot
    Information about Honda's Humanoid Robot.
  • The Robotic Artist
    A picture painting robot.
  • Tower Hobbies
    Radio control models, parts, and build-your-own service. Online product information.
  • Twin Cities Robotic Club
    The club and its activities, with links that lead to individual members and and their robotic projects, with pictures and descriptions.
  • UMass Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics
  • University of Texas at Austin Robotics Research Group
    A research group focusing on the development of intelligent, modular, and reconfigurable robotics and automation systems.
  • cg microsystems home page
    Micro-controlers manufacturer
  • .com