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  • 2001 Hits the Home
    Voice recognition software (with product names HAL2000 etc.) for Windows 95/98 that supports air conditioning, telephony, infrared, Internet, X-10 and security - for use in home systems. Site gives audio examples of the interactions possible.
  • Answers For Executives.
    Fast loading, informative site addressing typical questions executives might have about speech recognition for offices and companies. Contains product reviews, installation guidelines, provocative analysis of the industry for people who would rather use voice technology instead of typing.
  • Commercial Speech Recognition
    Site name a bit misleading. It is a broad collection of site links to speech recognition companies, services, products, magazines, trade shows, books and online resources with a brief personal summary of each.
  • Conversa Conversational Computing Corporation
    Sells application specific speech enabled products. Current products include a version of Internet Explorer which responds to voice and an office messenging system.
  • Dragon Systems
    A worldwide leader in PC and MAC speech recognition. Offerings include desktop and mobile dictation, telephony, vertical market add-ons and developers' tools.
  • Grover Industries, Inc.
    Provides command and control applications for internet and desktop contexts.
  • IBM Software - Speech Recognition
    Big Blue's ViaVoice offerings in the desktop continuous speech dictation arena. Competes with Dragon, Lernout & Hauspie and Philips. Has mobile dictation and telephony products as well. Announced July '99 continuous speech for the Apple Macintosh products. Free Linux SDK.
  • IMSI Software
    IMSI Utilities Group licenses IBM ViaVoice technology to produce their own line of "VoiceDirect" dictation software.
  • Intertech Systems
    Knowledgeable and un-hyped web site explaining business applications of speech and voice technology.
  • Lernout & Hauspie
    An international leader in advanced speech and linguistic solutions for computers, automobiles, telecommunications, embedded products, consumer products and the Internet. Acquired Kurzweil, partners with Microsoft and Intel. High powered in telephony and language translation, trying hard to catch up in consumer products.
  • NSC Natural Speech Communication
    NSC is one of the world's technology leaders in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for wireless and wireline implementations with superior performance characteristics under severe noise conditions.
  • Natural Language Recognition
    Simplis, Inc, a new site providing "natural language" speech recognition interface designed to simplify access to existing programs. First offering simplifies Microsoft Outlook. Trial software download.
  • PGPfone
    Pretty Good Privacy Internet Phone allows encrypted talking over a network.
  • Philips Speech Processing
    FreeSpeech 2000 is Philips' latest entry to the burgeoning continuous speech dictation market. Although the software does not quite have the human factors features of, say, Dragon, it does have good accuracy. Multi-lingual recognition for UK English, French, German, Spanish, Italian. Includes an SDK for speech enabling custom applications.
  • Philips Speech Processing - FreeSpeech 2000
    FreeSpeech 2000 is Philips' latest entry to the burgeoning continuous speech dictation market. Multi-lingual recognition for 13 languages. Includes an SDK for speech enabling custom applications.
  • Speak Freely for Windows
    An Internet phone program for talking to someone over a network, i.e., a voice chat program. No banner ads! Has encryption hooks, "answering machine," Unix/Linux versions. Free software download includes C++ source code. Also has facility to run your own phonebook addressing server so that you can find out who else is on-line just like the "commercial" chat programs. Integrates with ICQ. Good voice quality. Very popular.
  • Speaker Verification Telephony Answering Machine for PC's
    Cognitel senses caller's identity through advanced voice recognition technology; reacts to specific callers with custom greetings/messages, call transfers, or paging notifications. Integrates with MS-Exchange/Outlook. Has voice-activated remote access to check messages. For PC's with Winmodems or equivalent.
  • Speech FX
    An ongoing speech recognition project for the Apple Macintosh, currently concentrating on enhancing command and control.
  • Speech Recognition News and Studies
    TMA Associates publishes Speech Recognition Update, an industry newsletter on the business, products, markets, and companies in speech recognition, text-to-speech, and speaker verification. The site contains headlines and recent news, as well as descriptions of TMA conferences and market studies in voice recognition.
  • SpeechTEK ’99
    Largest speech technology business exposition in North America. Next show in New York City October 26, 1999.
  • Titan Technology
    Leading Russian organization engaged in developing speech recognition technology.
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